Today Electra Star Management client Ashley J releases her new single “Dare Ya”.

“”Dare Ya” is such a special song for me.” Ashley says.

I tend to write all of my music based off of current or past experiences in my life, and this song really tackled some feelings.

“Lyrically, I wrote the song based off of a compilation of text messages and letters I have received that really hit home for me, and motivated me to be the person that I am and want to be. So putting these feelings and words of wisdom into this song really gives homage to those I have it dedicated to. It has that “pick me-up edge” that makes you want to move and feel free. It’s a song that can be relatable or inspire anyone.”

Ashley J made the definitive switch from country to pop, after a trip with her parents to Los Angeles, where she met with President of Electra Star Group, Michael Blakey. Falling in love instantly with her music, Michael decided to bring her on board. As she says, she “landed in the best hands the music business has to offer” and signed her first recording contract. The song was written by Ashley J and produced by Michael Blakey.

The music video to “Dare Ya” is also expected soon.

Check for more details.